Liners for Freeskates
Experience Comfort with Freeskate Liners
The liner is the inner layer where your feet are positioned when you put on your skates. It cushions and protects your feet while also significantly influencing your ability to navigate the skates. Most liners can be removed with ease, so if you're experiencing discomfort or wear with your current skate liners, changing them is a straightforward solution.
Freeskate liners are crafted to offer a close fit. A tight fit guarantees that the liner reacts well and maximises energy transfer, which is crucial for navigating congested urban streets or if slalom skating suits your interests.
The sizing for freeskate liners is consistent with regular skate boots. Like ski boots, it's recommended to use Mondopoint measurements to achieve the optimal fit. Numerous models are now capable of being moulded with heat, enabling you to customise the fit around your foot and ankle perfectly.
For enhanced comfort and support whilst skating, you might want to explore acquiring a pair of Insoles.