Complete Surfskates
Understanding Complete Surfskates
Surfskates, which may also be known as surf skateboards or surfboard skateboards, are designed to mimic the sensation of surfing while riding on the streets. Their design sets them apart from both skateboards and longboards, featuring a unique truck at the board's front. This allows the board to replicate surfing movements and feelings. Consequently, this means you can propel forward without having to use your foot to touch the ground.
A complete surf skateboard indicates that it comes fully assembled, so you are ready to ride as soon as it is out of the box.
What Size of Surfskate Should I Choose?
Complete surf skates are available in various sizes, typically with decks ranging from 30 to 40 inches in length. Taller individuals should opt for longer decks. Your level of experience with surfskating and related board sports is also important. For instance, shorter surfskates will enable sharper turns and offer a more aggressive agility, while longer ones provide better balance and stability. This means beginners might prefer starting with a longer surf skateboard.
Is Surfskating Difficult?
Surfskating stands as a distinct board sport and serves as a means for surf training. It caters to individuals of all skill levels and ages, without requiring prior experience in skateboarding or longboarding. Nevertheless, practising is essential to achieve the balance necessary for safe riding. Always remember that surfskating prioritises a fun and relaxed experience, so proceed at your own speed and capture those laid-back California surf vibes.
If you wish to embark on surfskating, make sure to check out our Surfskating for Beginners Guide.