Ice Skate Sharpening
As you use your ice skates, the blades become worn and less sharp. It is advised to have them sharpened periodically.
Ice Hockey Skates
Contemporary ice hockey skates feature a radius grinding, ensuring a consistent contact area with the ice at varying angles when skating on the central half of the blade. This design maintains 1.25-1.75" of blade contact with the ice.
Sharper blades provide enhanced grip, enabling tighter stops and turns. However, greater sharpness requires more skill to control. Opting for a moderately sharp blade allows for sliding during stops or turns, making them smoother and easier to manage.
Figure Skate
Figure skate blades, being longer and more linear, are crafted from higher-grade steel compared to ice hockey blades, reducing the frequency of sharpening needs. Nonetheless, the sharpness and accuracy of the hollow grinding are crucial for speed and manoeuvrability.
Many skating arenas with rental facilities, as well as skate shops, offer skate sharpening services ranging from £4 to £8. Due to the cost and potential to damage the blade, self-sharpening is generally not advisable. However, our grinding service at SkatePro is available for you.