
Kids Protective Shorts

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Boost your confidence for bigger tricks with Standard Protection Shorts

For those who thrive on adrenaline and are passionate about staying active, yet wish to avoid the bruises and abrasions from falls, protective shorts are essential. Suitable for various action sports where safeguarding your bum area is crucial.

  • Lightweight and breathable
  • Constructed with high-density EVA foam padding
  • Children's version available

reviews   (25)

Verified Buyer
"Ich bin mit dem Produkt zufrieden"
Mario S. (Bornheim) 15-01-2025
Verified Buyer
"Laadukkaan oloiset ja sopivat ainakin 8v. lapselle"
Lassi M. (Ojakkala) 15-01-2025
Reply from SkatePro:  Kiitos palautteestanne. Olemme iloisia, että olet tyytyväinen tilaamaasi tuotteeseen / SkatePro team
Verified Buyer
"Ikke bra som skateboard-beskyttelse. Padsene sitter for langt ned på baksiden til å beskytte det mest utsatte området for skateboardere (helt nederst på ryggen, rett over rompa), det blir mer en rompe- og halebeinsbeskytter. Er nok bedre egnet for snowboard-bruk. Køpte XS til 7-åring som er 125 cm høy og normal vekt. Strikk er ok, men shortsbeina er veldig vide og henger og slenger."
Cecilie H. (Oslo) 03-09-2024
Reply from SkatePro:  Takk for anmeldelsen din, Cecilie. Vi beklager at putene ikke er som du trodde de skulle være. Vi hjelper deg gjerne hvis du trenger en annen anbefaling. Du kan imidlertid fortsatt returnere den til oss hvis du ikke har brukt den innen 365 dager. //Ditt Team SkatePro
Verified Buyer
"Excellent protection, just what we were looking for! Falling doesn’t hurt - we checked 😂"
Yevhen Muratov (Zagreb) 12-06-2024
Verified Buyer
"My daughter loves these. Gives her a little more confidence in the skate park to give new tricks a go."
Nigel Kelly (Julianstown) 24-02-2022
Verified Buyer
"Good shorts, well padded. My son has ‘tested’ them and they work!"
Quinn GOFFEN (Bassaleg) 14-07-2020
Verified Buyer
"They are good quality but probably a little too bulky to put under many types of clothes."
John h. (Poole) 13-07-2020
Verified Buyer
"My son seems happy enough with them"
Holly Seggie (Bourne) 20-01-2020
Verified Buyer
"Acheter pour ma fille de 7 ans.. parfait et fera bien 2ans en taille si il est pas tout déchiré avant ;)"
Kévin Babu (Châteauneuf) 20-10-2023
Verified Buyer
Peder stouenberg-lassen (ribe) 28-08-2023
Verified Buyer
"Jó termék!"
Gábor Fábián (Kecskemét) 04-03-2022
Verified Buyer
"Beaucoup top léger en terme de protection"
Reply from SkatePro:  Bonjour,

Merci de nous partager votre avis !

C'est effectivement de la protection relativement légère mais c'est un modèle comparable aux autres du même style.

Si le short ne vous convient tout de même pas, vous avez absolument le droit de nous le retourner en suivant la procédure de retour trouvable ici: https://www.skatepro.fr/d58.htm

Nous restons disponibles si vous avez des questions !

- Erin 😊

Verified Buyer
"Muy bueno."
E. Valencia (Gorraiz) 27-10-2021
Verified Buyer
"Short entspricht der Beschreibung und unser Sohn ist begeistert! Versand über DPD hat allerdings deutlich länger gedauert als zunächst angekündigt!"
Carsten B. (Bonn) 28-04-2021
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