
Touring/Bandy Skate Sharpener

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The SkateMate touring/bandy skate sharpener serves as a device that enables you to sharpen your ice skates at any location, whenever you need. Are you in need of a swift sharpening session before stepping onto the ice? Or perhaps there is no local establishment providing professional skate sharpening services? SkateMate stands as the finest handheld skate sharpener, compact enough to slip into your pocket, eliminating any reason to leave your blades anything but perfectly sharp.

This variant of the SkateMate is furnished with a flat diamond sharpening insert specifically for touring and bandy skates. Should you participate in various ice skating disciplines, you can effortlessly swap it out for a spare insert or one designed for a different style of ice skates.

Engineered to accommodate replaceable inserts coated with an exceptionally strong abrasive, the SkateMate ice skate sharpening tool is a genuinely universal skate sharpener suitable for touring/bandy skates, figure skates, and ice hockey skates—depending entirely on the insert loaded within the SkateMate.

Individually available skate sharpening inserts:

  • Touring/Bandy Skates flat diamond insert
  • Figure Skates 100-grit cylinder
  • Hockey Skates 120-grit cylinder for the final finish to maintain the blade's sharpness
  • Hockey Skates 100-grit cylinder for initial sharpening or extremely worn-out blades

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