The CCM Tacks 9350 roller hockey skates are an excellent starting point for those interested in venturing into this sport. They are crafted to withstand the intense impacts typical of street hockey. These CCM roller hockey skates are equipped with a high-quality hard boot. If you are seeking effective power transfer and support, this hard boot construction will certainly deliver.
- The aluminium frame provides precise handling characteristics while remaining exceptionally lightweight
- A flat setup with wheels of identical size offers a stable and balanced base
- 80mm wheels with a hardness of 82A perfectly complement this setup
- The built-in liner, integrated into the outer boot, prevents any liner movement, providing comfort and more direct control
Ensure that you check the screws before your first use and tighten them if needed. Additionally, it is important to regularly inspect the condition of the screws thereafter.
Wheel diameter:
Wheel hardness:
Frame material:
Boot/Shell type:
Liner Features:
Bearing precision:
Frame type:
Flat setup
Boot material:
Plastic, Composite
Liner Material:
Low-profile injected
Skill Level:
reviews (17)
"Excellent Skates, quick delivery." | |
Guy Kilgallen (Liverpool) | 28-03-2022 |
"👍🏽" | |
ashley green (Witham) | 21-03-2022 |
"Excellent quality skates, delivery was quick- under a week." | |
A. Nowak (Kidderminster) | 21-02-2022 |
"Good product. My son has the CCM hockey skates of the same make and this complements when he's not on the ice." | |
Robert Cornett (Yorktown) | 25-01-2021 |
"Hibátlan termék tökéletesen működik strapabíró anyagból." | |
B. Attila (Győr) | 18-04-2023 |
"Passade kanon." | |
Johan Kjellberg (Lidköping) | 27-03-2023 |
"Buenas son termomoldeables?? Y si es así,q tiempo y cuántos grados. Gracias" | |
Vanesa Pizarro De Guindos (Camas) | 13-06-2022 |
Reply from SkatePro: Buenos días 😊 Muchas gracias por contactarnos. Nos alegra mucho que los patines te gusten. En este caso no son termo moldeables, por lo que no los puedes calentar. Quedamos a tu completa disposición |
"Doporučuji" | |
Jiri Cinik (Ostrava) | 05-05-2022 |
"Reçus rapidement et bien protégés. Après les avoir essayés, très content de la qualité, attention seulement si vous débutez de bien protéger chevilles et mollets au début le temps de s'habituer car chaussons complètements coqués, donc dur et peut laisser des bleus après une bonne séance ;) (Ce qui est normal pour des rollers de hockey ahah) Je recommande !" | |
MASI David (Dijon) | 07-03-2022 |
"Kiválló minőségű görkorcsolya. Bauer-hez képest szerintem masszívabb keréktartó sínnel rendelkezik. Az én lábfejem keskeny lapos, így nagyon meg kell húznom a fűzőt, hogy ne lötyögjön benne. A felső rész nagyon kemény, de ebben az árkategóriában ez elfogadható." | |
Gábor Fábián (Kecskemét) | 04-03-2022 |
"Super Produkt, bin sehr zufrieden." | |
Steven Werkmeister (Aßlar) | 02-03-2022 |
"Très satisfait de ma commande et de la rapidité de livraison. Merci !" | |
EVERHARDT Franck (Morschwiller-le-Bas) | 17-03-2021 |
"Ordered these and came within 2 days from Denmark. Great service, great product. Would advice to order a pair of waxed laces with it for tighter tying." | |
Wesley van de Ven (Weert) | 09-02-2021 |
"guter halt, super rollen" | |
m. drommer (crimmitschau) | 28-01-2021 |